Matters of the heart-Connection vs. Separateness
Genesis 27:18-29
We believe as Christians that God’s presence is in all places at all times. We also beleive that Christ Himself “holds all things together.” (Colossians 1:17). But what does this really mean, and how does it relate to our subject at hand? I think this truth is core to our understanding of blessing. The truth is God’s intent for all of creation is to be profoundly connected at a very fundamental level. The disconnect we experience is because of what is recorded in Genesis chapter 3. It was on this day that “separation” was introduced into our world. God’s plan of course through Christ is to bring all things back together once again. Thus, Jesus’ prayer as recorded in John 17, “that they may be one as we are one.” Let’s explore the idea of “connection” as we look at what is happening at the most primary level of creation.
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