Statement of Beliefs
We believe:
- The Scriptures of both the Old and New Testaments to be inspired of God. These scriptures are to be engaged by the reader through first respecting the historical and cultural differences. Secondly, consider how the historic believing community has engaged the matter at hand, followed by a recognition of my own biases and then finally, to humbly ask what is the meaning for my faith and practice right here and now.
- There is one living and true God, who is one in essence, while existing eternally in three distinct persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- In the centrality of the incarnation. It is the Word which existed with God from the beginning. The Word was the creative agency by which all things exist. The Word took on human flesh to become known as Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus of Nazareth was the exact representation of what God is. Through His life and vicarious death and resurrection event His presence exists in the here and now through the Holy Spirit.