In session 204C our final look at 16:9-11, The Moot Men review the over-all importance of these words by Jesus as He prepares His disciples for what next. We then move to the significance of His words for us in the here and now.
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by Mike Haddorff
In session 204C our final look at 16:9-11, The Moot Men review the over-all importance of these words by Jesus as He prepares His disciples for what next. We then move to the significance of His words for us in the here and now.
by Mike Haddorff
In session 204B The Moot Men dive into the last of three roles the Helper will perform. What Jesus is saying to His followers is that there is an absolute finality which has occurred through His presence. The Helper has and will play a major role in making this known.
by Mike Haddorff
Session 204A is the first of three which examines a pinnacle juncture as Jesus prepares His disciples for what next. He is leaving but the Helper will be coming. And this truth is absolutely critical to what next. Within this section we examine Jesus’s description of the Helper’s coming role. He does so by citing […]
by Mike Haddorff
In session 203 Jesus moves His preparation monologue to what next. He has made it clear that He is leaving, He has also made it clear that He will not abandon His followers who He has re-labeled as friends. Finally, One is to come who He is calling the helper. It is here where Jesus […]
by Mike Haddorff
In session 202 Jesus continues His explanation of what is to come to the disciples after His departure. A portion of what is coming is conflict. Here, Jesus explains the why of the coming conflict and the why of the coming helper. Thanks for joining in.
by Mike Haddorff
In session 201, we begin chapter 16. Jesus continues to prepare His disciples for what is to come. This is not easy news to receive. And what we read here is only a fraction of the entire story. Let’s dig in to discern what we can learn from His words to His followers.
by Mike Haddorff
In session 200, the Moot Men discuss the final two verses of chapter 15. Jesus is preparing His disciples for what next. There is about to be a departure by Jesus which naturally is unnerving to the disciples. However, Jesus is also promising His continued presence with them through what He is naming as the […]
by Mike Haddorff
Jesus has introduced to the disciples the coming hate by some. In Session 199 He explains why. Those who hate do so because they perceive Jesus as one who will take something away from them. They simply don’t understand. And because they don’t understand they hate. Jesus points out that this hate has no substance […]
by Mike Haddorff
In Session 198 as Jesus prepares His disciples for what next, He dramatically turns the conversation to the negative, describing what they can expect. He calls it hate from the world. What did He mean by this? How should we think about what He had to say? It is this discussion we plan to dive […]
by Mike Haddorff
Session 197 provides to us a way to think about how to “Love one another as I have loved you.” Jesus states this directive 5 times in preparation for His disciples to take the coming reins. Here we take a stab at one way we can think about this directive day to day as we […]
by Mike Haddorff
Within session 196 Jesus frames His relationship with His disciples as friendship. This is new and can be thought of as a passage experience for the disciples into something entirely new. According to Jesus what He is talking about is one relationship and the intent of this relationship is lasting fruit to be produced through […]
by Mike Haddorff
In session 195 we deep dive into the stirring words of Jesus, “Greater love has no one than this.” I have enjoyed thinking about this idea within the framework of what Jesus is communicating to His followers at this particular juncture in their joint journey. I hope you like it too.
by Mike Haddorff
In session 194 Jesus continues His analogy of the vine and the branches to provide hope to His disciples in response to the news of His immediate departure. The point of the analogy is that the disciples are to remain connected to the vine. We then discussed as a group what it means to remain […]
by Mike Haddorff
Session 193 begins chapter 15. Jesus continues to prepare His disciples for His departure through providing an analogy to them designed to give them hope for the future. This hope is based on safety within a relationship, of which they are participants.
by Mike Haddorff
Within session 192 the Moot men come to the conclusion of chapter 14. In preparation of His disciples Jesus states the Why behind virtually everything He has lived out. His why is expressed in the phrase, “that the world my know that I love the father.” His phrase, though endearing, leaves us a bit in […]
by Mike Haddorff
Within this session the Moot men take an intentional look at the subject of love. We all vote yes for this subject but how do we understand it? How do we receive it, how do we extend love to others? This subject is central to what Jesus is talking about to His disciples in preparation […]
by Mike Haddorff
In Session 190, after review of the three major facts which will be true through the coming comforter, the Moot Men analyze Judas’s question, “Why to us and not the world?” His question is central to the commonly held perception of what is to transpire through the coming Messiah. Jesus does not directly answer his […]
by Mike Haddorff
In Session 189B the Moot Men wrap up discussion around three promises which Jesus provides to His disciples in preparation for His pending departure. We know that His departure is not as the disciples envision. They feel as if they are about to be abandoned. Jesus, being fully aware of how the disciples are thinking, […]
by Mike Haddorff
In Session 189A we examine the second helper truth, “The Helper gives sight.” We talk first about what this exchange with Jesus meant to His disciples. We then extrapolate to what it means to a follower of Jesus in the year 2024. How do you and I think about the role of the Helper in […]
by Mike Haddorff
In Session 188B we continue to examine the role of the Holy Spirit as Jesus prepares His disciples for what is about to occur. Today we look at truth number one of three. The biggest fear demonstrated by the disciples is that through Jesus’s stated departure they would be abandoned. In verse 16 Jesus addresses […]